Animated Explainer Videos

Creative 2d & 3d explainer videos that help you deliver the right message, to the right audience at the right time.

Some of our animated explainer videos

Why Flikli?

Flikli has worked with SME’s & global brands to deliver animated explainer videos for a host of different circumstances.
Understand the
objective of your
explainer video
Craft the right
message to support
this objective
Create an ‘on brand’
visual story to support
the message
Find the right
voice to present
your message
Distribute your animated
explainer video to reach
your audience

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What our clients have to say

After the initial free strategy call they understood our business and our vision, we knew they were the team that we wanted to work with. Using the strategy that they helped us to develop, we have seen our potential leads rapidly grow as a result.
Ben Robinson, DIRECTOR
After the initial free strategy call they understood our business and our vision, we knew they were the team that we wanted to work with. Using the strategy that they helped us to develop, we have seen our potential leads rapidly grow as a result.
Ben Robinson, DIRECTOR

What are you trying to achieve?

Explain Your business

Want to get the word out about your amazing brand? We can help you capture its essence and communicate it in under 60 seconds!

Explain a product or service

Do you have amazing USP’s, an awesome new product or just a high quality service? Reach more people faster with an animated explainer video.

Explain an idea, concept or process

You might want to help employees understand your culture, business or train new skills.

See your results sky rocket with our animated explainer videos.

7 Steps Guide

Download our 7 step guide to how to approach video to maximise its impact. Useful for business owners, sales teams, marketeers, leaders & more.

    Animated explainer videos are typically short videos that can be anything from 30 seconds to normally between 60 and 120 seconds. They allow companies to communicate key information without the potential for high costs associated with live action video production.

    Animated explainer videos are typically short videos that can be anything from 30 seconds to normally between 60 and 120 seconds. They allow companies to communicate key information without the potential for high costs associated with live action video production.

    What is important to consider when making an animated explainer video?

    The single most important part of the animated explainer video journey is finding a partner who understands business, users and commercial applications of video.

    Finding the right partner with the right processes to make your video production painless is like swiping right first time! You want experience, knowledge, proven results and that all important creative streak that will bring your objective to life.

    The single most important part of the animated explainer video journey is finding a partner who understands business, users and commercial applications of video.

    Finding the right partner with the right processes to make your video production painless is like swiping right first time! You want experience, knowledge, proven results and that all important creative streak that will bring your objective to life.

    The single most important part of the animated explainer video journey is finding a partner who understands business, users and commercial applications of video.

    Finding the right partner with the right processes to make your video production painless is like swiping right first time! You want experience, knowledge, proven results and that all important creative streak that will bring your objective to life.

    The single most important part of the animated explainer video journey is finding a partner who understands business, users and commercial applications of video.

    Finding the right partner with the right processes to make your video production painless is like swiping right first time! You want experience, knowledge, proven results and that all important creative streak that will bring your objective to life.