The Art of Storytelling in Animation: A Framework for Telling Your Brand Story

A brand story goes beyond explaining what you do; it’s about who you are, your values, your journey, and what sets you apart. As seasoned animation experts at Flikli, we’ve crafted countless brand stories through the magic of animation. Here, we provide a framework to guide you through the art of telling your brand story.

Step 1: Define Your Brand’s Core Values and Persona

Begin by identifying the essence of your brand: What are your core values? What is your brand personality? Is it friendly and approachable or professional and reliable? 

This step lays the foundation for your story.

Step 2: Identify Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is critical. 

Who are you talking to? Get specific. What are their problems? Their aspirations? 

Creating characters and narratives that resonate with your audience will help form a deeper connection.

Step 3: Develop Engaging Characters

Now you have your values, persona, and audience outlined… what next? Animated videos allow you to develop relatable characters that embody your brand values or reflect your target audience. These characters act as a bridge between your brand and your audience, making your story more engaging.

Step 4: Construct a Compelling Story Arc

A compelling story arc usually includes a setup (the problem), confrontation (the introduction of your product or service), and resolution (how your product/service solves the problem). This structure keeps viewers engaged while subtly demonstrating the value of your offerings. This is also a great time to share how your solution to the problem is different from your competitors.

Step 5: Infuse Emotion and Humor

Emotion and humor are powerful tools for making your brand story memorable and shareable. They add a ‘human touch’, making your content more engaging and relatable. What’s more? People will stick around to hear your whole story. If you can communicate why you care, it will come through to your viewer.

Step 6: Visualize Your Story

Animation brings your story to life, enabling you to visualize even the most complex ideas creatively and effectively. It allows your story to transcend the boundaries of reality, providing a unique and engaging experience for your audience.

Step 7: End with a Clear Message

Every good story has a clear takeaway. Ensure that your brand story concludes with a definitive message about your brand, product, or service. This message will stick in your viewers’ minds, enhancing brand recall.

At Flikli, we don’t just animate; we breathe life into brand stories, crafting animated videos that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression. Let us guide you in shaping and sharing your unique brand narrative.

Get in touch with Flikli to learn more.